When you are the current leader of the World at the time of the end, you obviously will have some blood on your hands!
America is certainly ENABLING the rise of the final kingdom, but I do NOT believe she is the 8th Empire a.k.a the Beast Kingdom.

That said, America has clearly led to the beast’s rise because of her great influence and leadership in AI Technology, Pharmaceuticals, Bio-tech, military and many cultural influences such as the occult, abortion, media, Hollywood / porn, secret societies, etc. Some of the world’s organizations & governing bodies are headquartered in America such as the UN.

And the following seems to specifically apply to the America of today….

Rev. 18:23
“…For your merchants were the great men of the earth”(This may refer to America’s leading corporate innovators: i.e. Elon Musk, Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos…..Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, Google, etc., etc.)

Rev. 18:23
“for by your sorcery all the nations were deceived”(Sorcery = Pharmacea = Big-Pharma. And who leads the push for the*vax, and the global Drug industry? BTW, I also believe there is much sorcery in AI technology as knowledge acquired from the fallen angels. Some say “the devil is in the details”, I say: “the devil is in the AI”)

Again, I do not believe America will be the Beast Kingdom during the Great Tribulation, but she has been used by the luciferian global elites to set everything up.

Sadly, I believe after America allows the Beast Kingdom to Rise, the Beast kingdom will betray and destroy her – either through a surprise nuclear attack, or whatever other means.Some believe she will just be divided and split up from within, or invaded by UN/China/Russia, or a rapture.I believe based on prophecy that her demise may be the former (nuclear), as the prophecies in Revelation Ch 18 do describe a destruction of a great nation in One Hour, by Fire.

So the Woman riding the Beast in Rev. Ch 17 may actually be America. the question being, does she ride the beast willingly or unwillingly. Our current POTUS certainly does NOT want American to lose her sovereignty to the NWO. Notwithstanding, she is certainly riding (leading / guiding) the beast at least for a time.

Although considered a Christian nation, as a nation of “mingled people” (a nation of immigrants and many ethnic groups) America has also become a nation of MANY idols, faiths and false religions, even the church of satan. This is why she fits the description of a Harlot. The harlot rides the Beast until the Beast Kingdom has no more use for her, as we read in Revelation 17…
Rev. 17:16
“And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire.”

May God Remember the Prayers of His Saints & Servants in America, that we may be sheltered from the Day of His wrath, and may He have Mercy on our Land. Amen