The current world system and the coming NWO / Beast Kingdom Persecute “true” Christians that stand by God’s Word (not the lukewarms who submit) because:

– They know that the true Christians / the Body of Christ Knows what they are up to!

– They know we cannot be brainwashed by their propaganda/fake*news*networks…the voice of the coming 8th Kingdom of Revelation Chapters 13 and 18.

– They know that NOBODY that is written in the Book of Life of the Lamb will take the Mark of Satan (per Rev. Ch 13:8)

– And MAYBE they also know that the Power of our Prayers are part of that restraining force that keeps their evil agenda in check until God’s Words are fulfilled!So if You who have been Sealed by the Blood of Yeshua/Jesus Christ already feel hated and rejected by this World system…Congratulations, for you are on the Right Road!

Mark 13:13
“And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end shall be saved.

AMEN! Come Lord Jesus!