In addition to partaking in all of the Wrath of God Judgments of Revelation Chapter 16 (such as the Sores, scalding heat, darkness, and eternal damnation), I believe that those who take the Mark of the Coming AC will become souless, remorseless, and lawless just like their beast leader and kingdom.They will de-facto also become “beasts” as defined by God, just like their master…the “Man of Perdition.”The Mark takers during the Great Tribulation will hate and reject all of God’s commandments just like their earthly false-messiah, believing it is okay to steal, kill, abort, dishonor parents, engage in adultery, sexual immorality, violence, etc., just as Jesus described in Matthew 24, and as in the time of Noah the nations will work overtime to corrupt the DNA of the masses.After taking the mark, it apparently will become impossible for them to repent, even after they see how the kingdom of the beast is being destroyed by God. In fact, they will become even more brazen, cursing and blaspheming the Name of God instead of repenting as the following passage reveals:

Revelation 16:8
“Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and power was given to him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory.”
They will feel comfortable with all of the evils perpetrated by the world system, including the martyrdom of Christians and Jews…and they will celebrate the murder of God’s elect as the following prophecy foretells:

Revelation 11:10
“And those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them, make merry, and send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth.”

We already see a taste of this spirit in the evildoers of late who loot, and destroy other people’s properties, and think that this is okay.

Others assault or kill innocent and helpless people and older folks who happen to cross their path, because they have no empathy or love left in them.

This was very rare a few generations back, now it is all too common!So it seems clear that during the Great Tribulation those who take the Mark of the Coming AC will become lawless, hateful and souless just like their WorldLeader, and they will become beasts just like the Man of Perdition. That may be why it is referred to as “Beast Kingdom”, a “village” consisting of millions of souless beasts, just like their earthly king.

We can see how the following Prophecy is already in process of fulfillment as more and more folks submit to this world system, and whatever CRAZY & Tyrannical statutes it imposes on the inhabitants of earth…

Revelation 17:17
“For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled.”

We Pray that we are counted Worthy to Escape the Things that are to come. Amen.