The Holy Spirit is our enabler and helper; a gift and holy blessing that Jesus left us all through his blood

Robert Rite (8/21/2011): Acts 2:1-4 describes the arrival of the gift of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit was like tongues of fire, and the congregation suddenly spoke in foreign languages and expressions. It is an initial sign that we are filled with the Holy Spirit. The gift of speaking in tongues includes the interpretation of what you are speaking.  Every believer can speak in tongues, but not all have the gift of interpreting the language. But realize that the true evidence that we have the Holy Spirit is that we “LOVE” others, that we have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and savior; NOT that we speak in tongues!

Romans 8:26-28 The Holy Spirit helps us overcome our weaknesses and limitations (such as temptations).  The Holy Spirit makes intersession for and pleads on our behalf.  It gives us utterance sometimes in a language that we don’t know (in tongues).  This is not something to be afraid of; it is a gift that needs to be appreciated because of the blessings thereof.  When we are praying in tongues we are in perfect communication with God, who provides us the utterance and the words!  “All things work together for the good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). In the prior verse “all things” refers things such as intercession, praying in the spirit and related good works.

1 Corinthians 12 discusses the various gifts that we receive through the Holy Spirit (i.e. gift of prophesy, wisdom, faith, healing, etc.). But greater than all of these gifts is the LOVE of God (and of others).

In 1 Corinthians 14 we learn that when we speak in tongues we are speaking directly to God.  we should pray that not only should we pray in tongues but to be able to interpret the words. You will be speaking hidden truths, mysteries, and wisdom not obvious to the understanding, so you want to be able to interpret what the spirit is saying. You are edifying and building up yourself up when you pray in tongues. When we pray in tongues our spirit is praying.  It builds up our faith, as the spirit of God gives our spirit the utterance through our tongue.

Related Prayers:

“Heavenly Father I am available to be used by the Holy Ghost for intersession.  Use me, my vocal chords, my mouth, my life to show mercy and compassion upon whomever you desire, in Jesus name I pray, Amen”

“Heavenly Father thank you Lord for the blood of Jesus, thank you that because of the blood of Jesus I can call you Father, I can pray to you Father, Thank you that by the blood of Jesus I have a blood bought right to come boldly before the throne of God and to ask for help in a time of trouble, thank you that by the blood of Jesus I have the wisdom of God, the Righteousness of God, I have been sanctified, and redeemed, thank you that by the blood of Jesus I have a blood bought right to have the ever presence of the Holy Spirit, to have wholeness in my spirit and
soul and body, thank you that by the blood of Jesus I have a blood bought right to new testament promises, and I have a blood bought right to get answers to all of my prayers…………..”

“Heavenly Father, I pray now the prayer of worship and praise, I minister unto you thanksgiving for all of your goodness, praise for all of your deliverance’s, you are a great God, you are so mighty, so strong, so loving, so perfect, and Lord I want to say Thank you, I lift up my hands in adoration, and I say halleluiah to the Almighty God, I say halleluiah to the Almighty King, you are his majesty, the King, you are great Jehovah, you are L-elyan, you are the most high God, for who is like unto thee, nobody God, I have met no one, I have spoken to no one, I have encountered no one that is greater than you God. Father I am here tonight to say thank you for saving and delivering me. You are the big God, the chief of my life.  You are my world, and
I give you thanks, in Jesus name, Amen.”