Numbers play an important part in understanding many bible prophecies, especially those related to these last days.  However, before we begin, let me clarify an important point.  In his cunning Robert Rite Booksways, the enemy takes the truth and distorts it so as to confuse the masses.  As we will uncover, the bible and associated prophecies in many cases are linked to numbers.  However this is not numerology which attempts to associate paranormal powers to numbers.  Numerology is a demonic attempt to associate numbers with some kind of occult power.  Divination and astrology are related to numerology, and these are Satan’s attempt to distort the significance of numbers in God’s redemptive plan for mankind.

Obviously, the use of numbers in reaching conclusions such as in mathematics or science is not evil as long as one is not ascribing occult powers to a number or any sequence of numbers.

Just like it is the foundation of all science and mathematics, numbers are also very significant in the bible.  In fact God, the creator of everything including numbers and mathematics, uses numbers in communicating His divine plan for humanity.  In this report we will review the significance of some numbers in the scriptures and biblical prophecies.

The number 3 is the number of divinity.  For example:

– The Trinity consists of 3 – the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost
– Being made in the image of God, man consists of 3 – the body, soul and spirit
– Jesus was resurrected from the dead in 3 days
– There were 3 items placed in the Ark of the Covenant (The jar of Manna, the Tablets bearing the Ten Commandments, Aaron’s rod)
– The Tabernacle of God and the Jewish Temple consisted of 3 main chambers: the Outer Court, inner court and the Holy of Holies.
–  At the end of this age there will be three words uttered from the throne of heaven; they are “It is done” Rev. 16:17.  Just before He died Jesus also uttered the same three words: “it is finished” (John 19:30).

The Number Six represents the Number of Man and Sin:

– God created man on the sixth day of the creation account; so the number six is the number of man.
– Man’s body is composed of six main parts: a head, a torso, 2 arms and 2 legs.
–  Mans allotted time on earth is roughly 6,000 years. The bible reveals that to God a year is like 1,000 years (Numbers 14:34; 2 Peter 3:8).
–  Man is commanded to work just 6 days, and to rest on the seventh.
– The Antichrist who will come out of the nations (a human being) is assigned the number 666 (we will elaborate further on this).

– Since we are all under the curse of sin, the number 6 is also associated with sin (the flesh) and death.
Important Note: This is why the coming antichrist is ascribed the number 666. He will deceive all those who are not written in the “Lamb’s Book of Life” – into worshiping him.  He will be a man possessing the seed of Satan; a counterfeit of Christ.  The number 6 is not just associated with him because he will be a man, but because he represents the totality of sin and fallen man; hence the designation 666 (the 3 6’s represents totality).  This is why on judgment day he and all who chose to worship him throughout this age, and those who take his mark during the apocalypse will bear the sins of mankind (Rev. 14:9-10; Rev. 20:15).

The Number Seven is God’s Number:

Of all the numbers, the number seven (and multiples of seven) is a very significant number in the bible. Seven is a number that demonstrates how God is in charge of ALL things. Seven is the number of completion.

For example, we read in Genesis 2:3 “Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which He had done”.  As you become familiar with the bible, you will discover many other reasons why seven is such a divine number.

The apocalypse will last 7 years.  During this 7 year tribulation period there will be:
– 7 seal judgments,
– 7 trumpet judgments
– 7 bowl judgments

– These will be administered by 7 angels, all within a 7 year period.

The Number twelve is the number of government:

– the 12 apostles
– the 12 tribes of Israel
– the 12 major constellations
– the 12 signs of the zodiac
– 12 pearly gates and foundations in heaven
– 12 months in a year.

There are other numbers of significance in the bible, but I wanted to highlight just a few of the more significant ones.

I trust that this article has enlightened you relative to how numbers play a significant role in the manner that God communicates to us, relative to His plan of redemption for this age – the age of man.  I hope that you can appreciate how the bible is not an old antiquated book, but a dynamic artifact inspired by God to communicate His divine plan for humanity.

If you found this article interesting, you will love my book: “Signs in the Heavens”