“Executive Mansion,
Washington, Nov. 21, 1864.

Dear Madam,
I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant General of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle.

I feel how weak and fruitless must be any word of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save.

I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.

Yours, very sincerely and respectfully,

Abraham Lincoln”


Robert Rite (5/29/2016):  Today, Memorial Day weekend, I wanted to write about how priceless freedom is, and why it is a divine right for all peoples and nations to enjoy the freedom to choose. America demonstrated its moral fabric when it paid an enormous price to abolish slavery in its homeland, a mere 160 years ago.  That great act is what defines us as a nation; a nation with the courage to pay a great price for freedom!

I am most proud to be an American on Memorial Day, because God gave us all the freedom to choose and more than anything else – that is what America stands for.
America has been greatly blessed because of that conviction.  That conviction is why America’s fallen heroes bravely and proudly served and sacrificed their life upon the altar of freedom.

As we commemorate the lives of all heroes who fought and died for the freedom that you and I enjoy today, let us honor them not just in memory, but in fighting for what they died for; the freedoms that our forefathers fought so hard for us to preserve and protect via the constitution and the bill of rights.

Some may not know this, but this nation was founded as a Christian nation! I have no doubt that our founding fathers faith in God greatly blessed this nation, allowing the USA to become the richest and most powerful nation in modern times.  Our enemies hate us because we have consistently demonstrated how much more superior our military was and is (our great soldiers saved the western world twice in the span of a century).  The enemy recents our enormous wealth and power – no one comes close…okay enough with the arrogance and pride Robert!

Do Not Take Your Freedom for Granted!

There has been much bloodshed in America for our freedom.  From the Revolutionary War, the Civil war, WW I, WW II, Korea, Vietnam; from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli.  Many heroes lie at rest in Arlington, and other cemeteries across our land, the seas and throughout the world.  They pretty much died just so that you and I could enjoy a life full of freedom and dignity.

Alas, they Most Certainly did NOT want to Die!

Many volunteered, but others were drafted and had no choice.  Most certainly, they all wanted just to serve their country and return home to live a dignified and productive life with their loved ones at their side.  They wanted to someday look back and say “I went to hell and came back alive and well” But it came to not for way too many souls.

As a former United States Marine I am one of the fortunate who fought his battle in safe grounds – Parris Island, South Carolina.  My battle was just one of spiritual and physical conditioning.  The only warfare I tasted was in my mind.  So I am deeply humbled by the enormous bravery that our real combat veterans have endured in the field.  As a people and a country that treasures freedom, we too should be deeply humbled by the great sacrifice of those fallen American Soldiers who died to preserve the rights and freedoms that many take for granted today.

May their families be proud May we never take their sacrifice for granted.

Do Not Allow our Leaders to Compromise our Rights and our Freedom!

Let us pray for our freedom in America.  Pray that our political system is not corrupted so much as to allow Satan to influence our leaders into persuading and deceiving American citizens into unwittingly and or willingly giving up a portion or all of their freedoms and their constitutional rights, in return for socialist like programs, handouts and or false protections.  Unfortunately, in life nothing comes free, and the price of freedom is very costly, indeed it is priceless.  But history is a testament that once given up – freedom never returns!

As free Americans we must resist and fight all of those evil regimes, and nations that hate America and what we stand for.  Nations and groups that continuously intimidate, terrorize, and torment us; who  lust after our destruction.  They hate Christians and Jews, because we serve a God that stands for freedom, free choice, and love.

If God gave us 100% freedom to choose, how can we allow mere mortals in positions of power to restrict our freedom to openly serve God and proclaim our faith in Him.  How can they expect us to embrace immoral laws that are contrary to the word of God?  Sadly, we have already allowed restrictions regarding public expression of our religious beliefs.

Those who serve and believe in almighty God recognize how precious freedom is!  How priceless is it for Christians and Jews the world over to enjoy the freedom to serve the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the God of the bible.  But in many countries today Christians and Jews are martyred for their religious beliefs – may that spirit of persecution never invade our homeland! 
To hell with political correctness;
 I want to always be free to say that Jesus Christ is the savior of the world, the Son of God, the only way to God, and that the God of the bible is the Sovereign God of the universe! We must remain free to worship whomever we wish!

Just like every soldier who sacrificed life and limb for their country, we must be willing to sacrifice our life for our God.
There will be a day soon when all souls will be forced to take a stand – or to take a mark!  But that is another message for another day!

For now, let Memorial Day remind us that if as a nation and as a people we take our freedom in vain, and even remotely give any of it up – then the life of every soldier who fought for our freedom, will have been sacrificed in vain!

But let us also never forget that there is a greater freedom, and it is freedom from satanic bondage.  As Christians, and soldiers of a greater kingdom to come, let us honor today and always Jesus Christ, He who sacrificed His life to free us from sin!  Let us fight to preserve our freedom to worship the sovereign God of the Universe – the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – Jehovah!

In the movie “Saving Private Ryan”, Captain Miller’s final words whispered into Private James Ryan’s ear were “James, earn this…earn it”.  Likewise, we the descendants and beneficiaries of the “Greatest generation” need to make sure that we “earn it”, by living an honorable life.  That is the badge of honor that our war heroes took to their grave; so let their spirit live on in the hearts of those who embrace those same high standards which include honor, courage, loyalty and integrity.  These are the same qualities of the Lord’s returning heavenly Army!

Semper Fi…to my fellow U.S. Marines!  R.I.P.