Fellow Christians, the Suppression of Truth is what we can expect until Christ returns!
Just As the Bible foretold that in the end times Good will be called Evil and Evil will be called Good….so will Truth be called Lies and Lies will be called Truth.

This is part of the global deception that Paul warned about in 2 Thess 2:10-11

To the Global Deep State Cabal that already controls the major MediaNetworks, only their Liberal Progressive Opinions are truth or what matters…everything else they will continue to censure or ban as a Lie/fake*news!

There was a time when civil discussions and debates were good, those days are over. Now they are ONLY good if you agree with their world view. Obviously division was part of Satan’s game plan all along, just as the separation of the Tares and the wheat is God’s end time plan.

Many alternative media sites have already been banned, as we must dare not stir the pot of the rising Beast of revelation!The Father of Lies(satan) already controls much of this world….not much time left for the tribulation judgments to begin.

After the coming Great Reset and establishment of the NWO and Universal religion…ALL nations will ban bibles, not just the 52 nations so far.
It will be labelled by the masses as a book of “intolerance and hatred” as their is no such thing as just “ONE way to heaven”, they say. The funny thing is, that after they are all deceived then their world leader will turn around and say that he is god and everybody must worship ONLY him (Rev. Ch 13)

Because this world is at Enmity with the Word of the Sovereign God, and because Biblical Prophecies have already revealed the End Game plans of the beast (i.e. Rev. Ch 13 and 17) to those who read and believe His Prophetic Word…Billions will be deceived, and those who are not will be the persecuted ones.

At least Pontius Pilot asked Jesus “What is Truth”…but this fallen World has been provide the Truth and has rejected it for the Lies of the world, just as Paul prophesied….

2 Thessalonians 2:10-11
“…and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie”

We have a new pro-1World administration, and we need to pray for this new administration as the Word instructs us to pray for our leaders, that they will not fast track us into the 1World reset.

According to the prophetic signs, we can expect end time birth pains and judgments to speed up, unless of course God chooses to restrain the inevitable, for a time. Stay prayed up, and ready. Amen!