Since the dawn of this age, Satan knew that he needed a collective that he could use to bring about the end time kingdom (of Rev. Ch. 13 & 17), and in these end times we have witnessed the rise of a powerful collective shadow government comprised of military, political, economic, social/media and judicial factions.

Instead of Global Deep State, Shadow Government, OneWorldGov, or Luciferians, the global elites like to refer to themselves as the New_World_Order; it sounds nicer.But even though they are extremely powerful as a collective, the Global_Deep_State is merely the face of a supernatural evil that gives them its power. Their puppet-Master is Lucifer himself.

Of course, there are very rich and powerful elites at the top of the devils pyramid that execute his evil agenda. Sadly, humanity as a collective has allowed the cute little serpent at the Garden to grow into the Monster Beast that is already causing great havoc all over the earth.The concept of a “new world order” is as OLD as Nimrod and the Tower of Babel (of Genesis Ch. 11). God scattered Nimrod’s city into many separate areas and languages since a united world is obviously “Evil magnified”.

It really is just common sense when we come down to it! Just as
1 + 1 = 2…Evil + Evil = MORE Evil. Obviously, it will NOT result in less evil as the global_elites will soon convince the lukewarm Christians and unbelievers to believe!

By the biblical depiction, Nimrod appeared to be a Nephilim / fallen angel. I believe there are many fallen angels and world leaders with the spirit of antichrist (and fully controlled by Lucifer) ruling the world today.This is why we need checks and balances in a world corrupted by the prince of darkness, and this is why God never intended for a united world, at least not one led by mortal man.

There is NO Corporation that has ever survived without checks and balances, yet a depraved world will soon surrender all its freedom and power to just ONE mortal being!Just Look at how much damage and how many deaths Hitler caused after he was granted absolute power by Germany’s citizens. And that was just ONE man / and ONE nation! Maybe this is why the radicals want to erase history?

So instead of a coming Utopia as the masses will be duped into believing, the coming Global Government will be a literal Hell on Earth. After all it will be controlled by forces from the bottomless pit:

Revelation 17:8 “The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition.”As noted, the world got a taste of what is coming from the NAZI ideology.

A Quasi-Governmental-Occult system is what is coming, but this time at a global scale!
Just like Hitler envisioned, the coming beast system will strive for a “pure” race, void of God’s people, since the antichrist will know that we would NEVER worship any man!

We can already see how the spirit of lawlessness and lies seems to have taken hold of much of this world.

The enemy is the father of lies and the Prince of the Power of the air, so it stands to reason that at the time of the end most media networks would have been transformed into the brainwashing and propaganda arm for the global shadow government, as they already have.

Imagine how much more deception and lies when Satan’s man of perdition (global leader) is granted full control over the earth for 3.5 years!

Under his coming 8th kingdom the inhabitants of the earth will hate the truth and embrace the lies of the coming leader whom they will worship like a messiah, at least those not written in the Book of Life as we read in
Rev. 13:8
“All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.”The earth dwellers during the great tribulation will hate Truth so much that they will celebrate when the two witnesses are killed by the AC…
Rev. 11:10 
“And those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them, make merry, and send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth.”

All of this is clear indication of how Satan already has collective control of much of this fallen world, and it is only the hand of God that restrains him, until the following passage is fulfilled…

Revelation 17:17
“For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled.”