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Tag tribulation

666 – Why so Many will Take the Mark

How to identify the Mark  Why you do NOT want to take it Robert Rite (10/1/2016) – The enemy has always wanted to unite all nations under a totalitarian style kingdom whereby he could execute all of his evil end time… Continue Reading →

Does the Bible and Science Warn of an “Asteroid Impact” on Planet Earth?

Do end time Prophecies reveal that a 1 Kilometer sized Asteroid may collide with Earth? Robert Rite (7/1/17 – Updated): There is a celestial dance in the heavens that includes asteroids and meteors, and the dance is very beautiful –… Continue Reading →

The Roots of Globalization and the push towards a Global Government

New World Order or “OLD World Order”? The Ancient Roots of Globalization In modern times, the push for nations to unite accelerated after WW I and WW II.  After the world wars several global organizations evolved such as the United… Continue Reading →

20 Tips for Supernatural Peace

Discover Twenty Principles for Enduring Peace in Times of Tribulation Robert Rite (7/31/16) – There is a peace that persists, even despite all of the tribulations of today.  I am not talking about the artificial peace offered by this world…. Continue Reading →

They Cry “Peace, Peace but there is no Peace”

Why  World Peace is Declining Exponentially, and the Secret for Enduring Peace in a Progressively Chaotic World “I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the Lord, do all these things.”  Isaiah 45:7 Robert Rite (7/31/2016) –  As usual,… Continue Reading →

Prophecy Alert – July 2016: What in the World is Going on?

Are all these Recent Atrocities Signs of the End Times? 17 Final End Time Events to watch out for, and 4 Major Past Events that Reveal that We are the Last Generation Robert Rite (July 15, 2016): Just 3 weeks… Continue Reading →

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