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Tag prophecy

The True Version of the End of Days

Is there a “Non-Fiction” version to the end times also referred to as the apocalypse? There are many people out there that think the end of days is just science fiction. There are many movies, novels and games out there… Continue Reading →

10 Bible Prophecies That Have All Come to Pass

When we study the ancient prophecies with a clear and open mind, we can reach only one conclusion; the bible and its writer’s were truly inspired by a higher authority. It is difficult if not impossible for all of the… Continue Reading →

Hidden End Time Prophecy Codes in the Parables of Jesus

Robert Rite (7/13/15): Parables in the gospels are stories which contain divine truths. Christ taught in parables. Parables are hidden messages for those who belong to God. The believers understand the parables – but they are confounding to the lost… Continue Reading →

A Key Prophecy That Points to Jesus Christ As Messiah

Robert Rite (8/16/2015): Many do not know that the Old Testament provides several prophecies that clearly identify Jesus Christ as Messiah. One of the most important of these prophecies is found in the book of Daniel. Daniel was a Jewish… Continue Reading →

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