Subject Matter that Really Matters...Today

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Our Thoughts Speak Louder than Words

Unlocking the Supernatural Power of thoughts!    Robert Rite (12/17/16): You have heard it said that “actions speak louder than words“; but I propose to you that “Thoughts speak louder than actions or words“. So in this message let’s explore… Continue Reading →

Dangers of Invoking the Spirit World

Four Supernatural Words that make Evil Spirits & Demons Hightail it! Robert Rite (11/20/2016) – Did you know that there are over 4,000 different religions, faiths and cults out there; and many are downright dangerous. Sadly, those who meddle in… Continue Reading →

Why it’s time to put on the Whole Armor of God, and Harness its Supernatural Protection

Discover 3 recent signals that tell us that it’s time to put on that Supernatural Gear – Seven weapons for defeating the enemy today and in the coming Great Tribulation    “Put on the whole armor of God, so that… Continue Reading →

Do Spoken Words Release Supernatural Power?

Discover how Words can Manifest into Reality “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” – Proverbs 18:21 Robert Rite (9/3/16):  Our thoughts when manifested into words have the… Continue Reading →

Angels on Your Shoulder

Discover why Angels are more than just Guardians Unlocking the Mysteries of God’s Angelic Host Robert Rite (8/12/2015): Angels are mentioned approximately 300 times in the Bible. And they have many functions and responsibilities in heaven and on earth. We… Continue Reading →

The Deadliest Virus of All – The SB (Spiritual Blindness) Virus!

A Malady Profoundly More Pervasive than the Ebola & Zika Virus! Robert Rite (6/4/2016): There is a terrible pandemic that attacks the very soul of man today, and it is much more deadly than the most insidious of viruses known to… Continue Reading →

How to Stop Satanic and Demonic Attacks

Robert Rite (01/17/2016): Words can manifest themselves into the physical realm, so we must choose them wisely. As you will discover our words can change our life and destiny. Words can bless or destroy. The spoken word is very powerful;… Continue Reading →

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