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Tag one world religion

How a Lying Spirit is Deceiving America & the World today

Ancient Prophecies Reveal how a Spirit of Delusion and Deception will Deceive Billions of People at the Time of the End In this message I want to address another spirit that appears to be taking hold in America and the… Continue Reading →

666 – Why so Many will Take the Mark

How to identify the Mark  Why you do NOT want to take it Robert Rite (10/1/2016) – The enemy has always wanted to unite all nations under a totalitarian style kingdom whereby he could execute all of his evil end time… Continue Reading →

The Roots of Globalization and the push towards a Global Government

New World Order or “OLD World Order”? The Ancient Roots of Globalization In modern times, the push for nations to unite accelerated after WW I and WW II.  After the world wars several global organizations evolved such as the United… Continue Reading →

They Cry “Peace, Peace but there is no Peace”

Why  World Peace is Declining Exponentially, and the Secret for Enduring Peace in a Progressively Chaotic World “I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the Lord, do all these things.”  Isaiah 45:7 Robert Rite (7/31/2016) –  As usual,… Continue Reading →

Unveiling the Coming One World Government

The Beast Kingdom – Satan’s Final Stand The prophecies are clear that one of the reasons for the Lord’s return is to destroy the kingdom of Satan which will have a stranglehold on most of humanity at the time of… Continue Reading →

Prophecy Alert – July 2016: What in the World is Going on?

Are all these Recent Atrocities Signs of the End Times? 17 Final End Time Events to watch out for, and 4 Major Past Events that Reveal that We are the Last Generation Robert Rite (July 15, 2016): Just 3 weeks… Continue Reading →

New Age, Is This The Future One World Religion?

This New Age church has over 20 million enthusiastic members in the United States who adore their new age leaders.  These new age leaders or “preachers” do not say that they are servants of, nor the voice of a false… Continue Reading →

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