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Tag demonic spirits

Why Division and Terrorism are End Time Signs

Discover Ancient Prophecies that foretold of Terrorism at the time of the end.   Robert Rite (6/10/2017 – Updated) – As I noted in a prior message, some may not be aware that the ancient prophecies  warned of terrorism; and they… Continue Reading →

Dangers of Invoking the Spirit World

Four Supernatural Words that make Evil Spirits & Demons Hightail it! Robert Rite (11/20/2016) – Did you know that there are over 4,000 different religions, faiths and cults out there; and many are downright dangerous. Sadly, those who meddle in… Continue Reading →

Is Addiction & Evil Hereditary?

America is under Attack by the demonic “Spirit of Addiction” Robert Rite (7/23/16):  An addiction is any substance, thing, or activity which we become dependent, on a regular basis, to satisfy a physical or emotional craving.  Certain addictions become the… Continue Reading →

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