Subject Matter that Really Matters...Today

Tag Day of the Lord

Will America Be a part of the Rising Beast kingdom of Revelation Ch. 13 & 17?

When you are the current leader of the World at the time of the end, you obviously will have some blood on your hands!America is certainly ENABLING the rise of the final kingdom, but I do NOT believe she is… Continue Reading →

Why Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Syria play a key role in the End Time Apocalypse

Have the Four Angels of the Euphrates River been loosened? Why the Great Euphrates is the Road that leads to Armageddon  Robert Rite 5/7/2017 – In this message we will explore key end time prophecies and manifestations emanating from the… Continue Reading →

The Day of Atonement Connection to the Apocalypse

Discover the Day of Atonement’s End Time Connection, and Why God’s Holiest Day should Matter to ALL of us Today more than Ever  Robert Rite (10/8/16):  When the Sovereign God refers to a moment in time as “The Day” or… Continue Reading →

Does the Bible and Science Warn of an “Asteroid Impact” on Planet Earth?

Do end time Prophecies reveal that a 1 Kilometer sized Asteroid may collide with Earth? Robert Rite (7/1/17 – Updated): There is a celestial dance in the heavens that includes asteroids and meteors, and the dance is very beautiful –… Continue Reading →

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