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Tag Apocalypse

Mystery of the September/October Woes

Discover why September and October have historically been the most volatile months, and why 2016 may be even more chaotic  Robert Rite (7/10/16): Just a couple of weeks after my June 2016 Prophecy alert expressing alarm over the Orlando terror… Continue Reading →

9/11, Ground Zero, and the Apocalypse Connection! by Robert Rite

There are no coincidences when it comes to the prophecies of God!  As we will discover, the attack on New York City and America on 9/11 is a picture of the fall of Babylon the Great of Revelation 18. Now… Continue Reading →

The True Version of the End of Days

Is there a “Non-Fiction” version to the end times also referred to as the apocalypse? There are many people out there that think the end of days is just science fiction. There are many movies, novels and games out there… Continue Reading →

Apocalypse Codes – Unlocking the Exodus Code

Robert Rite (01/25/2015): Many people are not aware that the ancient scriptures unveil many of the prophecies of the end of days. Bible codes (also referred to as the Torah codes) are defined as a set of encrypted messages or… Continue Reading →

666 – Decoding the Mystery of the Antichrist

Robert Rite (10/20/2015): Let’s begin and set the stage by explaining some of the terms associated with 666. The number 666 is assigned to a man who will rule the world at the time of the end. He is referred… Continue Reading →

Terrorism – is it Prophesied in the Bible?

Robert Rite (5/01/16) – What a shame that most people forsake or ignore the divine prophecies of the bible, while embracing the prophecies of Casey, Nostradamus and other men.  The former have all come to pass while the latter have been… Continue Reading →

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