sign in heaven5“Subject Matter that Really Matters” 

Robert Rite is the author of over 18 books, many articles and publications, all non-fiction – covering biblical prophecies, religion and the supernatural genre.  

Below is a list of Robert’s most recent releases.  You can also review a few book trailers on the side of this page.

– “Signs in the Heavens, Divine Secrets of the Zodiac & the Blood Moons of 2014!

– “Apocalypse Countdown – 2015 to 2021

–  “Apocalypse Codes – Decoding the Prophecies in the Book of Daniel

– “100 Proofs that the Bible is the Inspired Word of God and Scientifically Accurate

–  “Ancient Apocalypse Codes

– “Awaken the Supernatural You!”

– “Aliens, Fallen Angels, Nephilim and the Supernatural

“Babylon the Great is Fallen, is Fallen! Who is “Mystery Babylon” of the End of Days?”

– “Blood Moons Rising

– “Be healed!….How to Unlock the Supernatural Healing Power of God

– “Bible Verses for Supernatural Blessings

End of Days

– “God, Mystery Religions, Cults, and the coming Global Religion

“Prophecies of the Apocalypse: Unlocking the End Time Prophetic Codes as Revealed by the Ancient Prophets”

– “Revelation Mysteries Decoded: Unlocking the Secrets of the coming Apocalypse

“The New Age Movement vs. Christianity: and the Coming Global Religion” 

“Unlocking the Supernatural Power of Prayer”

– “128 Powerful Bible Verses that can Save Your Life!”

Author Page link:

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