Brexit & Updates on the Global Chaos so far in 2016   


Robert Rite (June/25/2016) – In case some have not noticed, 2016 is proving to be a very volatile year with June 2016 being even more chaotic.  

In this report let’s review the potential fallout from the Brexit decision, and the escalating unrest from East to West.

Just for starters, the first 10 days of 2016 were the worst for financial markets in US stock market history

On June 24, 2016 The US and Global stock markets experienced the worst one day stock market correction in 2016.  In the USA the Dow dropped 611 points, while stock markets in Europe dropped much more in percentage terms.

When we start a year off with the worst 10 days in stock market history, it is logical to conclude that January, 2016 was a harbinger (a sign) of a much more volatile year ahead.  

I hope I am wrong, but I expect this to be just the beginning of increased volatility for global financial markets for pretty much the remainder of the year.  And there is a potential stock market crash in the September/October time frame, perhaps sooner.
NOTE: The fall months, particularly September and October, have consistently proven to be very chaotic months in stock market history.  

The 6/24/16 stock market correction was triggered by Britain’s vote to exit the European Union.  The vote turnout was high, at 72 percent.  It was the highest turnout in Britain for a national poll in over 20 years.

As soon as the UK voted to leave the European Union, primarily on issues of immigration, Prime Minister David Cameron announced his resignation effective sometime in October, 2016.  Some believe that the person who led the “leave” movement, former London Mayor Boris Johnson, may replace the prime minister.

Of course government leaders immediately downplayed the impact of this move.  But we know better – right?  Britain’s exit from the EU, should it be carried out, will have a profound impact on the U.S., E.U. and global economies.

Potential Consequences of the British Decision

1) More instability and financial woes in the EU nations of Western Europe, and global markets.
2) Other nations may decide to also leave the EU – causing more turbulence in the global financial markets, and potentially breaking up the E.U. after 40 years.
3)  Potential protracted market corrections as the financial markets hate uncertainty.
4)  Political instability as nations grapple with the new changing world order.
5) Potential for an escalation in riots in the Western nations.
6) Potential for escalating terrorist activity (as already promised by ISIS).  Terrorists love to take advantage of political and economic instability.
7) It could lead to increased division in America over immigration, multiculturalism and related issues.
8) Potential increased aggression from Russia and other non-western nations.  Note: Russia immediately met with China as soon as England voted to exit the EU. 
9) An increased likelihood for a recession in Europe and America. The EU is America’s biggest trading partner with 700 billion in annual trade. So this move may lead to more job losses and a potential recession in America.
10) Scotland could vote to break away from the United kingdom

Expect even more volatility over the next 6 months, not just in the financial markets but also politically, and socially, as nations scramble to protect their position and global interests.

More Unrest from East to West

Just in June 2016 we have experienced:

– What has been called a “once in a thousand year” flood in West Virginia which has killed at least 23 – and washed away many homes.
–  As already discussed, the Brexit vote/decision took place on 6/24/2016
– The largest stock market correction year to date.
– The terrorist attack at an Orlando, Florida nightclub on 6/12/16 which killed 49 souls and injured over 50 more.
– So far in June alone there have been 13 magnitude 6 or greater earthquakes globally, which are classified as “strong” earthquakes.
– A fire in Kern County, California (6/25/16) attributed to arson which has destroyed at least 150 homes.

So far Year to Date:

– Over 160 terrorist attacks and incidents (including bombings, executions, mortar attacks, and related) resulting in at least 1,600 terrorist related deaths throughout the world; JUST IN JUNE – and the month of June 2016 is not even over yet.
– There have been a total of 69 magnitude 6.0 or higher earthquakes, resulting in approximately 829 deaths! 
– There have been 7 magnitude 7.0 or higher earthquakes in 2016.  These are earthquakes that can cause serious to catastrophic damage and are classified as major earthquakes. 

And we are not quite halfway through the year.

Folks it is hard to keep up with all the chaos going around the globe.  Yet many walk around in a state of bliss staring down at their “smart” phone as if they have no cares in the world!  I guess that a desensitized society considers all of this chaos and disasters as the “new normal”.  Many Americans have grown “waxen fat”  (Deuteronomy 31:20, Deut. 32:15and could care less what is happening unless it affects their pocket.  In our abundance we have become complacent!

“So Many have forsaken Him who made them full – they have rejected the Rock of their Salvation!”   

The level of global chaos troubles me, but what should trouble us all is that so few seem to care.  Many are oblivious to the storm clouds approaching.  Satan has succeeded in desensitizing the masses to the escalating chaos, immorality, violence, hatred and corruption in the “kingdom of Satan“; the planet earth of the last days. 

Messiah warned us that as we approach the end of this age chaos and tribulation would increase exponentially.  

Let’s close with just one of Jesus Christ’s many warnings for the last generation – our generation:

“For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.  All these are the beginning of sorrows.” 
Matt. 24:7-8

As Jesus warned, this is just the beginning folks.  So keep your “spiritual” seat belts tight, and your “spiritual” house in order” – more turbulence expected in the second half of 2016.
I will update you with more prophecy alerts as the situation merits. 
In the meantime, God bless and stay safe; by focusing on the Lord and His Word.
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