The Global Elites love “What if” exercises, studies and Scenarios (like event 201).So Let’s do our own “What if” Scenario as Well…

What if this is all a huge team effort by Powerful Entities collaborating together as follows:
– What if AI was used to come up with this brilliant plandemic to force in the NWO…
– using Big Tech to build up the cloud, the AI and robotics- using Space Force is building up the Satellite network to support the Global system
– using Big Pharma creating the*vax and integrating it with technology (MRNA/Transhumanism, etc).
– using Media supporting the Globalist agenda and propaganda machine- using the nations treasury to funnel untold Billions for foreign fronts to build out the 1World system.
– What if the Global Reset is a nice sounding term for the controlled demolition of the current world order, our freedoms and democracy
– to destroy the dollar and all fiat currencies to replace with a digital currency that they can better control
– using the Digital Currency to allow or deny access based on people’s behavior!
– What if the lockdowns had little to do with a plague and allot to do with destroying millions of jobs, small businesses, and making more Middle Class folks also fully dependent of government?
– What if all those riots in certain big cities were planned so that the rich elites can scoop up Real estate and burned down or abandoned properties for practically nothing (called Disaster Capitalism)?

What if this is all an integrated effort to institute a universal Slavery System, the framework of the Beast kingdom of Rev. Ch 13 and elsewhere.

Credits & Sources: Catherine Austin Fitts: -Planet Lockdown