Robert Rite (10/2013):  After having been deceived as kids about Santa Clause, the tooth fairy, and other myths, most of us have been conditioned to doubt anything that we cannot see, hear or touch. We have all been aliens (2)taught to be a “doubting Thomas”. Skepticism, especially when it comes to the fictional aspects of the supernatural realm, is actually a healthy thing.

However, as we will review, there most definitely are supernatural forces all around us; even the good book (the Bible) makes this very clear.

Although much of what you will read here may seem as bizarre as to rival the most bizarre Science fiction movie, I admonish you to keep an open mind.

The bible makes it clear that there are many forces of good and evil roaming the earth; and we can invoke these spirits into our lives depending on our act, thoughts and words. Many have opened portals to the underworld through careless words and actions.

Do Aliens and UFOs Really Exist

If aliens and UFO’s exist, then they must be demonic creatures and manifestations. Let’s use just a bit of

Common sense here – since God created man in his own image (obviously making us a superior being above ALL

other beings), then how could so many believe that there exist beings out there that are superior to us? It just defies all common sense, wouldn’t you agree?

The enemy wants us to believe that we are weak imperfect mortals, and that we have no power over the forces of evil. We need to understand that we too have supernatural power when we learn how to invoke the blessings that God imparts on those who know and worship their creator. The scriptures teach us that greater is He who is in us than he is in the world.

God also said “let us make man in OUR image, according to our LIKENESS” Genesis 1:26. Since we were created in God’s likeness and image – it is obviously highly unlikely that there exists a more perfect and intelligent creation out there than mankind, which was made in God’s very own image!

The Fallen Angel and Alien Connection

I believe that fallen angels are constantly misidentified as aliens. Aliens are just another satanic deception into making us feel inferior to some supposed “superior” intelligent life (even though God made man in HIS OWN image!!!). Do Not be deceived; remember that there are no entities or intelligent creatures except those spoken of clearly in the Bible. Keep in mind that angels can take the form of a man (and other creature like forms for that matter).

Because of his supernatural powers, it is easy for the Devil to trick many (unfamiliar with the word of God) into believing in Aliens and extraterrestrial life.

I believe that if Aliens do indeed exist, and do indeed abduct humans, they are controlled by Satan and their purpose is to alter the human DNA; just like in ancient times (Genesis Ch. 6).

We do not just hear accounts of human abductions, we also hear and read reports about cattle that seem to have been left dead in many fields void of blood and their internal organs. Whether by Devil worshippers, Chupacabra, or aliens, they all seem to bear the same footprint.

These so called “aliens” who are actually Satanic controlled demons occupying “grey suits” may be experimenting with God’s DNA in man. Since Satan cannot create anything all he and his minions can do is experiment with God’s perfect DNA formula and corrupt the DNA to create a mutated body that they can manipulate.

Understand that this was one of the primary reasons that God destroyed the earth by flood in Genesis 6. Satan and his fallen angels had corrupted the gene pool of mankind; but this is a subject for another article.

What about the UFO?

I for one and no one that I know have ever witnessed UFO’s. However, that does not mean that others have not witnessed these UFO’s. In fact there are certain parts of the USA and world where portals to the underworld are believed to have been opened due to occult ceremonies and invocations in those locations. As would be expected, if we believe that demonic forces are at play here, there is an exponentially higher rate of reported “UFO” activity in those areas.

But again, the real question should be what exactly these UFOs are. Keep in mind that Satan has the power to create these Alien looking creatures and UFO images since he is the prince of the power of the air, and he does control 1/3rd of all angels, the fallen angels also called demons.

In Revelation 13:13 we learn that Satan can create great signs. So yes, he can surely deceive men with supernatural wonders such as Alien creatures, UFO’s and the like. But these are in no way superior manifestations of what the creator has made. It is a fact of science that a carbon copy can never be superior to the original. Mutations are always genetically inferior or malignant!

We Have the Final say over Supernatural Influences upon our Life

In summary, we must acknowledge that there are supernatural forces that traverse the unseen dimension of the second heaven (the atmosphere). This is the domain of good and evil forces. Those of us who are equipped with the whole armor of God have nothing to fear. Our domain is the earth and our body is off limits for those who are protected by the veil of God.

However, those who curiously seek to delve into the underworld and related dark forces of the occult forfeit God’s protective veil and open themselves and their loved ones to potential lifelong tragedies and misfortune.

This article is an excerpt from Robert Rite’s book: “Aliens, fallen angels, Nephilim and the Supernatural”