Source: veastrology. com
Robert Rite (1/1/16): It is interesting how many people believe that the number seven is a lucky number. Of course gambling is not scriptural or wise, and numerology which is the occult belief in the mystical relationship between a number and its influence on your life, is a forbidden practice. With that in mind, I propose to you that the number seven is a very lucky number – but in a divine way. In this study, we will review why the number seven is such a significant number in the bible and why it is the number of God, relative to His plan of redemption for mankind and His number of completion for our age.
The Number 7 is the number of Completion
The number seven is found 54 times in just the book of Revelation; the last of the 66 books of the bible. Here are just a few examples of how the number seven represents completion:
– There are 7 days in the creation account (Genesis Ch. 1 and 2).
– God rested on the seventh day and made it Holy (Gen. 2:3).
– The heart beats slower every 7th day (a day of rest)
– The cells in our body are replaced every 7 years!
– 7 stars on Jesus right hands (Rev. 1:20)
– There 7 Lamp-stands and the 7 churches (Rev. 1:20)
– There are 7 spirits of God (Rev. 3:1)
– There are 7 major oceans/seas.
– There have been 7 major empires in this age of man.
– There are 7 major continents.
– There are 7 days in a week
– There are 7 appointed feast Hebrew feast days.
– 7 letters to the 7 churches of Asia in Rev. 2-3
– the 7,000 year age of man; which spans 7 millenniums. In 2 Peter 3:8 it is revealed that to the Lord, a day is like 1,000 years, and 1,000 years is like a day.
The Number Seven and the Coming Apocalypse
– The coming apocalypse (referred to as the tribulation period) lasts 7 years (Reference: the Books of Daniel and Revelation)
The apocalypse (tribulation period) will consist of:
– 7 seal judgments,
– 7 trumpet judgments
– 7 bowl judgments
– The judgments are administered by 7 angels
– The apocalypse lasts 7 years
– There are 7 horns on the coming beast kingdom.
The Number 7 and God’s Appointed Feasts
– There are 7 appointed High Holy feasts of Israel.
– The Hebrews were required to observe a Shemita which established the seventh year as a Sabbatical year, whereby they were to allow the land to rest among other ordinances.
– God established a year of jubilee (Leviticus 25:8-12), to take place every 49 years 7 x 7, as a year to let the land rest and restore itself; for the release of prisoners and for the restoration of captured land to its rightful owner. The last Julbilee was extremely prophetic. In 1967, while defending itself during a 6 day war, Israel recaptured Jerusalem after almost 1900 years in foreign hands. 1967 was a Jubilee year, and the land was returned to its rightful owner! The next Jubilee concludes on September/October 2016.
The Number 7 and God’s Redemptive Plan for Mankind
– From Exodus to the time of Solomon when the first Jewish Temple was dedicated was 490 years or 70 x 7.
– We see this very number at play again – from the dedication of the first Jewish temple (Solomon’s temple) to the command of King Artaxerxes allowing the Jews to return to their homeland to rebuild Jerusalem again is 490 years (70 x 7).
– Then again, from the edict that allowed the Jews to return to their land and rebuild Jerusalem, to Messiah Jesus Christ is 490 years (70 x 7). Do you see a trend here? Do you think this is mere coincidence?
Mankind has been given 6 days of one thousand years (2 Peter 3:8), and then there will be the last day of 1,000 years when the Messiah will rule the world (referred to as the millennium). During the 7th day – the 1000 year millennium, mankind will rest from Satan and sin; a one thousand year Sabbath, if you will.
God’s total plan for mankind revolves around the Number Seven
And the significance of this number is not just for Israel but for all mankind. Seven is God’s number of completion, and the seventh number is Holy (i.e. the Sabbath day of rest). God made us in his image – God is Holy! Genesis 1:26. The number seven is indeed the number of God. Our destiny should we choose is to be Holy children of God through perpetuity!
Given all of the above, I believe that the Number 777 is God’s Number!
If number 666 is the number of Satan (the antichrist – the Beast); I believe that 777 may be the number of God! As we already covered, God sanctified the 7th day and made it Holy (Gen. 2:3)
My good friends if this stuff does not excite your spirit, then you need to breath in front of a mirror or check your pulse.
In closing, do you really think that it is just a mere coincidence that our life revolves around a very structured 7 day week, and God made it this way since the creation of man and this age (Genesis 2:2). We really cannot escape the significance of the number seven. He who has wisdom is reminded of this every day and every week of his or her life!
This article is an excerpt of Robert Rite’s book: “Signs in the Heavens“