Science and the Occult

By Robert Rite – CERN is the largest Hadron Collider (particle accelerator) in the world, it is situated 300 feet below ground. A large portion of the CERN machine is located in the territory of Saint Genis Pouilly in Eastern France. A bit more on the pagan connection with this location later.

CERN collides proton particles at almost the speed of light, at 286,400 miles per second. These collisions are scheduled at random times as it takes some time to ramp up after each of these collisions.

There are 14 particle accelerators in existence today, and the USA has 3 facilities. Obviously the nations are in a big hurry to harness whatever they believe they can from this advanced technology.

Let’s take a peak at “guarded” mysteries that Science may be trying to unlock.
– CERN allows science to examine particles in their initial state.
– They want to know how matter, and life for that matter, was created.
– They want to discover the invisible glue that holds matter and the universe together.
– They are trying to replicate the big bang
– They seek to discover that elusive element that they refer to as “the god particle”.
– They are trying to recreate a mini black hole.
– They want to harness the energy in anti-matter.

Note: Unlike matter, anti-matter cannot be controlled, so it must be contained. As an example of its power, just 1 gram of anti-matter has the equivalent power of 45 Kilotons of TNT, or 4 Hiroshima bombs. – Some believe that they are also trying to do is open up a portal to time space/time travel.

The universe is perfectly balanced. So when we try to create anti-matter or dark matter we are in essence disturbing the natural balance and creating instability or chaos. Especially since anti-matter is very unstable in our environment / dimension. An example of this “uncontrolled chaos” is what happens when a nuclear bomb is detonated, or the devastation that occurs when radioactive material, which like anti-matter also must be contained, escapes in a nuclear meltdown. The difference is that anti-matter could create magnitudes of destruction when unconstrained.

As you can see, they want to break into another dimension; a parallel universe if you will, in hopes of unlocking even more advanced knowledge. One must ask “When is enough, enough” and “where will this so called progress take us”?

This is why I believe that whether intentionally or not, they are opening portals to dimensions that mankind ought not to unlock. As if their experiments do not unlock dimensions or portals quickly enough for them, perhaps the symbolism and monuments that CERN has adopted, might help do the job. Even the location of CERN points to the occult. Let’s explore this further.

Does the Location of CERN reveal its Dark Roots?

Saint Genis Pouilly, France, where CERN is located, was the ancient town of Apolliacum. The town and its temple were dedicated to Apollyon, as a gateway to the underworld. Even back then, they wanted to open a portal to the “gods”.

Apollyon is referred to as the destroyer, and so is the statue of Shiva which was erected at the headquarters of CERN. Where else do we find Apollyon? In Rev. 9:1-2, 11, she is identified as the (fallen) angel of the bottomless pit.

It’s Name, Symbol and Logo also Bears Sinister Roots!A monument to Shiva adorns the entrance of CERN headquarters.

It is the Hindu deity Shiva; the goddess of destruction. She is depicted engaged in the dance of destruction! In mythology, Shiva destroys the world in order to renew, restore and reconstitute it.

Underneath the monument the description explains that the symbol of the deity Shiva was chosen because science wants to portray the patterns of the cosmic dance (whatever that means)! It continues….”the metaphor of the cosmic dance of Shiva unifies ancient mythology, religious art with modern physics.

“Hmmm… could this mixture of mythology, religion and science makeup the coming global religion? Interesting how they selected a statue of a fallen angel and false god that just so happens to symbolize the destruction and rebuilding of our universe.

Even the term CERN has dark undertones. CERN is an abbreviated title for a Celtic deity called Cernunnos; the horned one, also referred to as “the Lord of the underworld.” He is often depicted with a snake on one hand and a ring on the other, and the CERN collider is formed in the shape of a huge ring or circle. Just coincidence? I do not think so, read on…

CERN’s logo bears the numbers 666! So just as the secret societies boast, is CERN also concealing its sinister motives right out in the open for all mankind to see?

So is Science now Delving Deeper into the Occult?

Just like the NAZIs attempted, could the Luciferian priesthood behind the thrones of the European Union and the UN intend to use CERN to unlock the portal to the gates of hell in order to release the gods; the fallen angels bound in the underworld, in order to unlock supernatural multi-dimensional knowledge and power? I hope not, as God bound them for our protection. Let’s read…

“For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment.” 2 Peter 2:4

Since the dawn of this age, the nations have been trying to harness energy, knowledge and power from sources that ought to be left alone. As mankind becomes more and more emboldened, we strive to harness energy and knowledge from sources that are the domain of the prince of the power of the air! Now with CERN, we are conducting experiments with elements that may be more unstable and chaotic than anything we have ever experimented with.

The nations and their scientists refuse to accept the obvious, that what holds matter together is NOT the “god particle” it is GOD Himself!

They refuse to accept that they cannot create life, only God can. The best they will be able to do is try to duplicate what God already created, but even then it would be a mutation of the original. And from the study of science we know that a mutation is ALWAYS inferior to the original version.

If they would read the bible, specifically Rev. 9:1-2, 11 they would know that they should NOT mess with portals to the dimensions that God purposely sealed for our own good!

The last time they tried to mess with the gene pool of man they created “giants”; the Nephilim (Genesis 6:2), a race of pure evil cannibals which led to the end of that civilization vis-à-vis the Great Flood. But history repeats, and they will once again let out a mean genie that they won’t be able to put back into the bottle!

May God Bless us All!