Here is another quick study on how CERN is heavily into the Occult, trying to open portals to another dimension, perhaps the bottomless pit is the only portal they will end up opening….a portal to Hell! Let’s see what they are up to in the very near future.

The October 30th, 2020 Celebration of “Dark Matter” Day:

CERN Scientists from around the world will be meeting on October 30th, on the Eve of Halloween to celebrate “dark matter day”. Do you really think they picked that day coincidentally? As you know the October 31st is a very occultic (Satanic) day.

And if that were not enough of a hint, their next schedule for firing up the Hadron Collider is around May, 1st 2021, a time that is considered by the occultists and Satanists as a very powerful period for drawing magical energy and power from the dark forces!
They also refer to the day as “May day”

May Day is a Celtic and Germanic witches Sabbath (Walpurgisnacht) that has become a cardinal day for worshipping demons and the “GREENERY of THE EARTH. Did you catch that last one? Greenery of Earth as in “Green*New*Deal*, and there is more…

Regarding May 1st (May Day) from the Church of the Great God we read…

“May Day encompasses the worshipping of Gaia (mother earth) and fertility (environmental protectionism) and redistributive socialism. May Day connects the sexual fertility of Babylon with the modern neo-Pagan environmentalist protective, International Communism. Satan has cleverly crafted eight pagan holidays (the Wheel of the year- worshiping mother natureto displace God’s Holy Days, substituting a time of completion with a time of new beginnings, celebrating a new world order, a neo-Pagan worship of environment and mother earth or the concept of fertility, a witches Sabbath without the need for a Creator. May day is a Witches Sabbath. To them, May Day is a confrontation with the Sovereign God’s way of life.” (Source: Church of the Great God)

So What Really is behind CERN’s obsession with Dark Matter?

With CERN messing around with Dark matter and forbidden knowledge into dimensions of darkness, the only light they will find is from Fire! In this case Curiosity “Burns” the Cat!

We Christians know that among the first things that God did in the creation account is that he separated the Light from the darkness.

I am obviously not a physicist, but I understand that the particles that generate the most energy force are the light particles (i.e. Photons)!
“Not only is light made up of photons, but all electromagnetic energy (i.e. microwaves, radio waves, X-rays) is made up of photons. The original concept of the photon was developed by Albert Einstein” (Source: www. /science/what-is-photon-definition-04322)So we see how light overcomes darkness not only in the supernatural realm, but inter-dimensionally and in the natural realm!

So CERN can celebrate their dark matter on October 30th, we celebrate the Light Every Day, since we were rescued from where they want to break into (darkness)…for our Lord is the Light of the World (and Universe)!
