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Category ISIS

Why Division and Terrorism are End Time Signs

Discover Ancient Prophecies that foretold of Terrorism at the time of the end.   Robert Rite (6/10/2017 – Updated) – As I noted in a prior message, some may not be aware that the ancient prophecies  warned of terrorism; and they… Continue Reading →

President Trump visits the Middle East & God’s Prophetic Time Clock – Israel

Will President Trump slow down or speed up End Time Prophecy fulfillment? Why 2017 may be a very significant year in biblical Prophecy  Robert Rite (5/19/2017) – With the President of the United States (POTUS) visiting Saudi Arabia, and Israel… Continue Reading →

Why Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Syria play a key role in the End Time Apocalypse

Have the Four Angels of the Euphrates River been loosened? Why the Great Euphrates is the Road that leads to Armageddon  Robert Rite 5/7/2017 – In this message we will explore key end time prophecies and manifestations emanating from the… Continue Reading →

Unveiling the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Discover why Islam may be the 4th Horseman of the Apocalypse. Who are the other three?  You May Just be Shocked to Know! Robert Rite (2/26/17): There are several schools of thought regarding the identities of the four horsemen of the… Continue Reading →

Prophecy Alert – Why it is NOT a Good Idea to Meddle in Israel’s Affairs (Update)

What MAJOR event just happened & what God reveals will happen with ALL Nations that Mess with Israel and His Holy Land    Robert Rite (Prophecy Alert Update – 12/28/2016)  The United States of America for the first time has failed… Continue Reading →

Prophecy Alert – Current Situation in Syria and the Armageddon Link

Discover KEY End Time Prophecies that Syria is fulfilling today 8 warning signs that could indicate that WW III – Armageddon is closer than we may think      Robert Rite (10/19/16) – Most prophecy scholars believe that World War… Continue Reading →

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