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Category Supernatural Forces

Why so many will Embrace the Coming Global Government

What the “One World Government” – which harbors the name “Beast Kingdom” in biblical prophecy will be like    Robert Rite (6/17/17) – The prideful spirit in man makes him think that he can subdue the enemy and control evil… Continue Reading →

Why Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Syria play a key role in the End Time Apocalypse

Have the Four Angels of the Euphrates River been loosened? Why the Great Euphrates is the Road that leads to Armageddon  Robert Rite 5/7/2017 – In this message we will explore key end time prophecies and manifestations emanating from the… Continue Reading →

The Russian, and Iranian End Time Alliance has Formed as prophesied to happen Just before Armageddon

How Evil Prince Powers of Darkness have kidnapped the Middle East region and stirred up the Spirit of the Medes and the Persians    Robert Rite 4/29/17 – In last week’s message we covered the King of the East (China… Continue Reading →

Unveiling the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Discover why Islam may be the 4th Horseman of the Apocalypse. Who are the other three?  You May Just be Shocked to Know! Robert Rite (2/26/17): There are several schools of thought regarding the identities of the four horsemen of the… Continue Reading →

Our Thoughts Speak Louder than Words

Unlocking the Supernatural Power of thoughts!    Robert Rite (12/17/16): You have heard it said that “actions speak louder than words“; but I propose to you that “Thoughts speak louder than actions or words“. So in this message let’s explore… Continue Reading →

Dangers of Invoking the Spirit World

Four Supernatural Words that make Evil Spirits & Demons Hightail it! Robert Rite (11/20/2016) – Did you know that there are over 4,000 different religions, faiths and cults out there; and many are downright dangerous. Sadly, those who meddle in… Continue Reading →

The Roots of Globalization and the push towards a Global Government

New World Order or “OLD World Order”? The Ancient Roots of Globalization In modern times, the push for nations to unite accelerated after WW I and WW II.  After the world wars several global organizations evolved such as the United… Continue Reading →

Angels on Your Shoulder

Discover why Angels are more than just Guardians Unlocking the Mysteries of God’s Angelic Host Robert Rite (8/12/2015): Angels are mentioned approximately 300 times in the Bible. And they have many functions and responsibilities in heaven and on earth. We… Continue Reading →

The Full Armor of God – Unveiled!

  How to Protect Yourself from an Invisible Enemy – the Unseen Supernatural Forces of Evil  Robert Rite (3/25/13) – With all the chaos, confusion and evil that we witness today, I wanted to focus this message on how we… Continue Reading →

Do Aliens, Fallen Angels, and Other Supernatural Forces Really Exist?

Robert Rite (10/2013):  After having been deceived as kids about Santa Clause, the tooth fairy, and other myths, most of us have been conditioned to doubt anything that we cannot see, hear or touch. We have all been taught to… Continue Reading →

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