Subject Matter that Really Matters...Today

Category Repentance

Miracle Healing Made Simple

10 Secrets for receiving Divine Healing  “When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and… Continue Reading →

The Day of Atonement Connection to the Apocalypse

Discover the Day of Atonement’s End Time Connection, and Why God’s Holiest Day should Matter to ALL of us Today more than Ever  Robert Rite (10/8/16):  When the Sovereign God refers to a moment in time as “The Day” or… Continue Reading →

The Deadliest Virus of All – The SB (Spiritual Blindness) Virus!

A Malady Profoundly More Pervasive than the Ebola & Zika Virus! Robert Rite (6/4/2016): There is a terrible pandemic that attacks the very soul of man today, and it is much more deadly than the most insidious of viruses known to… Continue Reading →

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