How Evil Prince Powers of Darkness have kidnapped the Middle East region and stirred up the Spirit of the Medes and the Persians Robert Rite 4/29/17 – In last week’s message we covered the King of the East (China… Continue Reading →
What is the biggest threat to America posed by North Korea and other Rogue nations? Robert Rite (4/22/17) – In this message we will explore a few verses that may indicate that North Korea and China… Continue Reading →
Why April 6th, 32 AD is the Most Important Day for Mankind Why this One Prophecy from the Great Prophet Daniel unlocks the identity of the Messiah! And Abraham said, “My son, God will provide for Himself the… Continue Reading →
Discover why Islam may be the 4th Horseman of the Apocalypse. Who are the other three? You May Just be Shocked to Know! Robert Rite (2/26/17): There are several schools of thought regarding the identities of the four horsemen of the… Continue Reading →
Robert Rite (01/15/2015): Many believe that the story of Daniel in the lion’s den is nothing but a fairy tale. It is not, but even if it were so there is a significant divine message behind the account. It applies… Continue Reading →
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