Subject Matter that Really Matters...Today

Category Lawlessness

Our Kingdom is Not Here

All that is Happening Today are End Time Signs Foretold in Biblical Prophecy!Here are just a few examples… That there would be Increasing lawlessness and violence.(Matthew 24:12 “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.”) That… Continue Reading →

What will Happen to those who Dwell on the earth (during the Great tribulation) After they Choose to Take the Mark……

In addition to partaking in all of the Wrath of God Judgments of Revelation Chapter 16 (such as the Sores, scalding heat, darkness, and eternal damnation), I believe that those who take the Mark of the Coming AC will become… Continue Reading →

Why do Anarchists & Rioters Masquerading as Protestors Burn Bibles and Churches?

Maybe it has Something to do with What the Bible has to Say to the LAWLESS… Yet Still There are Some who don’t know or care who these violent “protestors” really Support and Stand for! – Those with discernment know… Continue Reading →

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