Subject Matter that Really Matters...Today

Category Lamb of God

9 Reasons why so Many will take the Mark of the Beast (antiChrist)

Why the Mark will be MUCH more than just a global ID card, tattoo, or implant Robert Rite (6/24/17) – Ancient prophecies make it clear that the mark of the beast has to be much more evil and sinister than just… Continue Reading →

President Trump visits the Middle East & God’s Prophetic Time Clock – Israel

Will President Trump slow down or speed up End Time Prophecy fulfillment? Why 2017 may be a very significant year in biblical Prophecy  Robert Rite (5/19/2017) – With the President of the United States (POTUS) visiting Saudi Arabia, and Israel… Continue Reading →

The Great Prophecy that Identifies the Messiah

Why April 6th, 32 AD is the Most Important Day for Mankind   Why this One Prophecy from the Great Prophet Daniel unlocks the identity of the Messiah!    And Abraham said, “My son, God will provide for Himself the… Continue Reading →

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