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Category Great Tribulation

Will America Be a part of the Rising Beast kingdom of Revelation Ch. 13 & 17?

When you are the current leader of the World at the time of the end, you obviously will have some blood on your hands!America is certainly ENABLING the rise of the final kingdom, but I do NOT believe she is… Continue Reading →

What If…and the Global Reset…

The Global Elites love “What if” exercises, studies and Scenarios (like event 201).So Let’s do our own “What if” Scenario as Well… What if this is all a huge team effort by Powerful Entities collaborating together as follows:– What if… Continue Reading →

What will Happen to those who Dwell on the earth (during the Great tribulation) After they Choose to Take the Mark……

In addition to partaking in all of the Wrath of God Judgments of Revelation Chapter 16 (such as the Sores, scalding heat, darkness, and eternal damnation), I believe that those who take the Mark of the Coming AC will become… Continue Reading →

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