Subject Matter that Really Matters...Today

Category European Union

The Collective Global Cabal and the End Time Spirit of Nimrod

Since the dawn of this age, Satan knew that he needed a collective that he could use to bring about the end time kingdom (of Rev. Ch. 13 & 17), and in these end times we have witnessed the rise of… Continue Reading →

The Roots of Globalization and the push towards a Global Government

New World Order or “OLD World Order”? The Ancient Roots of Globalization In modern times, the push for nations to unite accelerated after WW I and WW II.  After the world wars several global organizations evolved such as the United… Continue Reading →

Unveiling the Coming One World Government

The Beast Kingdom – Satan’s Final Stand The prophecies are clear that one of the reasons for the Lord’s return is to destroy the kingdom of Satan which will have a stranglehold on most of humanity at the time of… Continue Reading →

Prophecy Update – June, 2016

Brexit & Updates on the Global Chaos so far in 2016    Robert Rite (June/25/2016) – In case some have not noticed, 2016 is proving to be a very volatile year with June 2016 being even more chaotic.   In this… Continue Reading →

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