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Category Demonic spirits

The End Time Strong Delusion of 2 Thess 2 has Arrived

Fellow Christians, the Suppression of Truth is what we can expect until Christ returns!Just As the Bible foretold that in the end times Good will be called Evil and Evil will be called Good….so will Truth be called Lies and… Continue Reading →

What will Happen to those who Dwell on the earth (during the Great tribulation) After they Choose to Take the Mark……

In addition to partaking in all of the Wrath of God Judgments of Revelation Chapter 16 (such as the Sores, scalding heat, darkness, and eternal damnation), I believe that those who take the Mark of the Coming AC will become… Continue Reading →

CERN – the Stargate to the Abyss?

Science and the Occult By Robert Rite – CERN is the largest Hadron Collider (particle accelerator) in the world, it is situated 300 feet below ground. A large portion of the CERN machine is located in the territory of Saint… Continue Reading →

Why do Anarchists & Rioters Masquerading as Protestors Burn Bibles and Churches?

Maybe it has Something to do with What the Bible has to Say to the LAWLESS… Yet Still There are Some who don’t know or care who these violent “protestors” really Support and Stand for! – Those with discernment know… Continue Reading →

Why Division and Terrorism are End Time Signs

Discover Ancient Prophecies that foretold of Terrorism at the time of the end.   Robert Rite (6/10/2017 – Updated) – As I noted in a prior message, some may not be aware that the ancient prophecies  warned of terrorism; and they… Continue Reading →

President Trump visits the Middle East & God’s Prophetic Time Clock – Israel

Will President Trump slow down or speed up End Time Prophecy fulfillment? Why 2017 may be a very significant year in biblical Prophecy  Robert Rite (5/19/2017) – With the President of the United States (POTUS) visiting Saudi Arabia, and Israel… Continue Reading →

Why Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Syria play a key role in the End Time Apocalypse

Have the Four Angels of the Euphrates River been loosened? Why the Great Euphrates is the Road that leads to Armageddon  Robert Rite 5/7/2017 – In this message we will explore key end time prophecies and manifestations emanating from the… Continue Reading →

The Russian, and Iranian End Time Alliance has Formed as prophesied to happen Just before Armageddon

How Evil Prince Powers of Darkness have kidnapped the Middle East region and stirred up the Spirit of the Medes and the Persians    Robert Rite 4/29/17 – In last week’s message we covered the King of the East (China… Continue Reading →

How a Lying Spirit is Deceiving America & the World today

Ancient Prophecies Reveal how a Spirit of Delusion and Deception will Deceive Billions of People at the Time of the End In this message I want to address another spirit that appears to be taking hold in America and the… Continue Reading →

Our Thoughts Speak Louder than Words

Unlocking the Supernatural Power of thoughts!    Robert Rite (12/17/16): You have heard it said that “actions speak louder than words“; but I propose to you that “Thoughts speak louder than actions or words“. So in this message let’s explore… Continue Reading →

Dangers of Invoking the Spirit World

Four Supernatural Words that make Evil Spirits & Demons Hightail it! Robert Rite (11/20/2016) – Did you know that there are over 4,000 different religions, faiths and cults out there; and many are downright dangerous. Sadly, those who meddle in… Continue Reading →

Do Voters really elect Their Kings and Presidents

Prophecy Alert: Post Election Message  Robert Rite (11/12/16) It wounded our collective spirit and the national conscience to watch our candidates humiliate themselves and spew such hateful accusations towards each other.  Oh how the glory of nations was humiliated before… Continue Reading →

Why it’s time to put on the Whole Armor of God, and Harness its Supernatural Protection

Discover 3 recent signals that tell us that it’s time to put on that Supernatural Gear – Seven weapons for defeating the enemy today and in the coming Great Tribulation    “Put on the whole armor of God, so that… Continue Reading →

Is Addiction & Evil Hereditary?

America is under Attack by the demonic “Spirit of Addiction” Robert Rite (7/23/16):  An addiction is any substance, thing, or activity which we become dependent, on a regular basis, to satisfy a physical or emotional craving.  Certain addictions become the… Continue Reading →

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