Science and the Occult By Robert Rite – CERN is the largest Hadron Collider (particle accelerator) in the world, it is situated 300 feet below ground. A large portion of the CERN machine is located in the territory of Saint… Continue Reading →
1) Increasing instability of nature. (Matthew 24:7 & Luke 21:11)2) Increasing lawlessness and violence. (Matthew 24:12)3) Increasing immorality. (Matthew 24:37)4) Increasing materialism. (2 Timothy 3:2)5) Increasing Hedonism. (2 Timothy 3:4)6) Increasing influence of Humanism. (2 Timothy 3:2)7) Depraved entertainment. (2… Continue Reading →
What the “One World Government” – which harbors the name “Beast Kingdom” in biblical prophecy will be like Robert Rite (6/17/17) – The prideful spirit in man makes him think that he can subdue the enemy and control evil… Continue Reading →
Will President Trump slow down or speed up End Time Prophecy fulfillment? Why 2017 may be a very significant year in biblical Prophecy Robert Rite (5/19/2017) – With the President of the United States (POTUS) visiting Saudi Arabia, and Israel… Continue Reading →
How Evil Prince Powers of Darkness have kidnapped the Middle East region and stirred up the Spirit of the Medes and the Persians Robert Rite 4/29/17 – In last week’s message we covered the King of the East (China… Continue Reading →
What is the biggest threat to America posed by North Korea and other Rogue nations? Robert Rite (4/22/17) – In this message we will explore a few verses that may indicate that North Korea and China… Continue Reading →
Why Events in Syria today are fulfilling 2 Major End Time Prophecies that trigger Armageddon Robert Rite 4/1/17: When we read the buzz in the social channels it becomes clear that America is so obsessed with its Politics today that… Continue Reading →
Discover why Islam may be the 4th Horseman of the Apocalypse. Who are the other three? You May Just be Shocked to Know! Robert Rite (2/26/17): There are several schools of thought regarding the identities of the four horsemen of the… Continue Reading →
What MAJOR event just happened & what God reveals will happen with ALL Nations that Mess with Israel and His Holy Land Robert Rite (Prophecy Alert Update – 12/28/2016) The United States of America for the first time has failed… Continue Reading →
Discover KEY End Time Prophecies that Syria is fulfilling today 8 warning signs that could indicate that WW III – Armageddon is closer than we may think Robert Rite (10/19/16) – Most prophecy scholars believe that World War… Continue Reading →
How & Why the Enemy is Meddling in the Most Fateful Election for the Leader of the Free World Robert Rite (10/15/16): If you are disgusted with the current political and media circus surrounding the 2016 election campaign in America,… Continue Reading →
Discover the Day of Atonement’s End Time Connection, and Why God’s Holiest Day should Matter to ALL of us Today more than Ever Robert Rite (10/8/16): When the Sovereign God refers to a moment in time as “The Day” or… Continue Reading →
How to identify the Mark Why you do NOT want to take it Robert Rite (10/1/2016) – The enemy has always wanted to unite all nations under a totalitarian style kingdom whereby he could execute all of his evil end time… Continue Reading →
Discover 3 recent signals that tell us that it’s time to put on that Supernatural Gear – Seven weapons for defeating the enemy today and in the coming Great Tribulation “Put on the whole armor of God, so that… Continue Reading →
Although many believe they’ll be Raptured before the “Day of the Lord’s Anger” (Armageddon) here are some steps to take – just in case Robert Rite (9/11/2016) – With all of the natural and man-made disasters that we have been… Continue Reading →
Do end time Prophecies reveal that a 1 Kilometer sized Asteroid may collide with Earth? Robert Rite (7/1/17 – Updated): There is a celestial dance in the heavens that includes asteroids and meteors, and the dance is very beautiful –… Continue Reading →
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