In the Old Testament we read of a King Jehu who was called up by God to resist the spirit of Baal that was trying to destroy Israel in his day through its corrupt leaders Ahab and Jezebel.

After 911 and again over the past few years America was also given a WAKE UP call, a window for a short space of time to Revive our nation spiritually.
But repentance never came to America Just like it did not come to ancient Israel under king Jehu, Despite his efforts, Israel continued to sacrifice its children to Baal.

Jehu was called to set the stage for the fall of king Ahab and his wife, who had an anti-biblical agenda which included the mass-sacrifice of children to Baal.

Jehu was called to…
– To oppose an anti-God government in Israel
– to fight the sacrificing of babies to the temple gods. He cutoff state support for the cult of Baal.
– To drain Israel of its morally corrupt political leaders- to give a reprieve and a break to the true people of God- It appears that he extended Israel’s time before judgement

The temple of Baal was in the capital city of Israel and was the principal temple.
In the US, our Capitol building is referred to as the “temple of the American Republic”. On its wall are inscribed the words: “we have built no national temple but the capitol ”

And as the graphic below illustrates, even portions of America’s capitol/temple bears a resemblance to the ancient temple of Baal.

On that pivotal day In early January 2021 for the first time at the Capitol (Temple), the new congress was sanctified by a prayer in the name of a foreign god “Brahma” (the 4 faced God of Hinduism). It was a prayer to a pagan god. It was sealed with an agenda to fully support planned parenthood.

It was a proclamation that America would no longer be a nation under one Sovereign God.George Washington’s warning has come to pass:“The smiles of heaven cannot be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right that heaven itself has ordained”
The meaning here is that this nations blessings depended on whether we followed or whether we departed from the ways of God.

The event of early January 2021 was a watershed moment because it was the day the reprieve, that short window for national repentance ended.

Whereas the day that Jehu stormed the temple of baal in Israel ended up as a blessing for Israel since that temple of sin fell 2 months later…for the modern day Jehu, it was a defeat, in that it was the day that the spirit of Baal took over America.

And the defeat is witnessed by the following:
– Our destiny continues to mark a nation that worships many gods and idols.
– A nation that drives God out of everything and everywhere
– A nation that calls evil good and good evil
– And that is more interested in protecting immoral statutes and lifestyles that God forbade, over any other thing.
– As a result, a nation that will remain a house divided upon itself; a house hopelessly divided racially, morally, politically and now even medically!

So like Elijah who followed Jehu, we must remain unwavering on sharing the truth, even though the spirit of BAAL
seeks to silence and suppress our voice!

While the spirit of Baal controls America we will remain in travail.

So we pray that God in His mercy hears the prayers of those of us in America who seek to preserve the Judeo-Christian values that our nation was founded on, and by which we became one of the most blessed nations on earth.

Credit given to Rabbi Jonathan Cahn