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Author Robert Rite - Prophecy Alerts

Robert Rite is the author of several Books on End Time Bible Prophecies and Related Articles and Posts.

Does the Spirit of Baal now Consume America?

In the Old Testament we read of a King Jehu who was called up by God to resist the spirit of Baal that was trying to destroy Israel in his day through its corrupt leaders Ahab and Jezebel. After 911… Continue Reading →

Will America Be a part of the Rising Beast kingdom of Revelation Ch. 13 & 17?

When you are the current leader of the World at the time of the end, you obviously will have some blood on your hands!America is certainly ENABLING the rise of the final kingdom, but I do NOT believe she is… Continue Reading →

What If…and the Global Reset…

The Global Elites love “What if” exercises, studies and Scenarios (like event 201).So Let’s do our own “What if” Scenario as Well… What if this is all a huge team effort by Powerful Entities collaborating together as follows:– What if… Continue Reading →

The End Time Strong Delusion of 2 Thess 2 has Arrived

Fellow Christians, the Suppression of Truth is what we can expect until Christ returns!Just As the Bible foretold that in the end times Good will be called Evil and Evil will be called Good….so will Truth be called Lies and… Continue Reading →

Our Kingdom is Not Here

All that is Happening Today are End Time Signs Foretold in Biblical Prophecy!Here are just a few examples… That there would be Increasing lawlessness and violence.(Matthew 24:12 “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.”) That… Continue Reading →

What is Truth?

At least Pontius Pilate wanted to understand “Truth”…Today’s Lost World received Truth and Rejected & Hates it. John 14:6“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” The greatest Treasure… Continue Reading →

CERN, Dark Matter and the Occult

Here is another quick study on how CERN is heavily into the Occult, trying to open portals to another dimension, perhaps the bottomless pit is the only portal they will end up opening….a portal to Hell! Let’s see what they… Continue Reading →

What will Happen to those who Dwell on the earth (during the Great tribulation) After they Choose to Take the Mark……

In addition to partaking in all of the Wrath of God Judgments of Revelation Chapter 16 (such as the Sores, scalding heat, darkness, and eternal damnation), I believe that those who take the Mark of the Coming AC will become… Continue Reading →

CERN – the Stargate to the Abyss?

Science and the Occult By Robert Rite – CERN is the largest Hadron Collider (particle accelerator) in the world, it is situated 300 feet below ground. A large portion of the CERN machine is located in the territory of Saint… Continue Reading →

A Vision of 5 Major Cities that Came to Pass, and May Repeat in the Perilous times Ahead

I wanted to share the post below from March, 2020 that I posted at my FB Group “ProphecyAlerts” regarding 5 Major Cities burning.Back then I believed we might see buildings burning because of the loss of Jobs and food shortage’s… Continue Reading →

ALL those Yearning for a Global One World Gov’t (N.W.O) should Heed Who they are Siding With!

Recently Satanists in America held what they referred to as the “Luciferian March for a One World Government”This was held in at least 9 major U.S. cities on June 21st, 2020 during a solar eclipse.Most of the demonstrations took place… Continue Reading →

Why do Anarchists & Rioters Masquerading as Protestors Burn Bibles and Churches?

Maybe it has Something to do with What the Bible has to Say to the LAWLESS… Yet Still There are Some who don’t know or care who these violent “protestors” really Support and Stand for! – Those with discernment know… Continue Reading →

The Collective Global Cabal and the End Time Spirit of Nimrod

Since the dawn of this age, Satan knew that he needed a collective that he could use to bring about the end time kingdom (of Rev. Ch. 13 & 17), and in these end times we have witnessed the rise of… Continue Reading →

Why Does the Current World System & the Coming Global*NWO Persecute all “True” Christians?

The current world system and the coming NWO / Beast Kingdom Persecute “true” Christians that stand by God’s Word (not the lukewarms who submit) because: – They know that the true Christians / the Body of Christ Knows what they are up… Continue Reading →

50 Reasons Why we are Living in the Season of the Lord’s Return

1) Increasing instability of nature. (Matthew 24:7 & Luke 21:11)2) Increasing lawlessness and violence. (Matthew 24:12)3) Increasing immorality. (Matthew 24:37)4) Increasing materialism. (2 Timothy 3:2)5) Increasing Hedonism. (2 Timothy 3:4)6) Increasing influence of Humanism. (2 Timothy 3:2)7) Depraved entertainment. (2… Continue Reading →

Mystery of the Hebrew year 5777 – our year 2017

Unlocking the Mystery of the Hebrew year 5777  Robert Rite 7/7/17 – The Hebrew year 5777 which is the equivalent of the year 2017 in the Gregorian calendar, is a very prophetic and mysterious year as we will uncover in… Continue Reading →

9 Reasons why so Many will take the Mark of the Beast (antiChrist)

Why the Mark will be MUCH more than just a global ID card, tattoo, or implant Robert Rite (6/24/17) – Ancient prophecies make it clear that the mark of the beast has to be much more evil and sinister than just… Continue Reading →

Why so many will Embrace the Coming Global Government

What the “One World Government” – which harbors the name “Beast Kingdom” in biblical prophecy will be like    Robert Rite (6/17/17) – The prideful spirit in man makes him think that he can subdue the enemy and control evil… Continue Reading →

Why Division and Terrorism are End Time Signs

Discover Ancient Prophecies that foretold of Terrorism at the time of the end.   Robert Rite (6/10/2017 – Updated) – As I noted in a prior message, some may not be aware that the ancient prophecies  warned of terrorism; and they… Continue Reading →

“The Great Price of Freedom!”

 In Memory of our Guardian Angels in the flesh “Executive Mansion, Washington, Nov. 21, 1864. Dear Madam, I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant General of Massachusetts that you are the… Continue Reading →

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