Source: theodysseyonline.com
Discover how to Understand God’s Message in our Dreams
Robert Rite 12/24/16: The average person spends 1/3rd of his or her life sleeping. For a person that lives 75 years, that accounts to approximately 25 years of sleep. For most of us that seems like a huge loss of time and potential – but is it really just a waste of time? Do you think that God would waste 1/3rd of our lives in a state of deep sleep with no purpose at all?
Unfortunately many people miss divine sublime messages from the creator because they have been conditioned into believing that dreams are merely unrestrained imagination, and a way for the brain to release stress. Others have a very hard time remembering any of their dreams.
There are around 205 references in the bible on dreams and visions. Obviously dreams and visions play an important part in how God communicates with us. In this message I will offer some tips on how to remember your dreams, and how to interpret the encoded messages from God concealed in spiritual dreams.
Why Does God prefer to Communicate with us in dreams?
It is probably much more difficult for the Lord to get our attention during our waking hours as our minds are preoccupied with the noise of this world; and as a result most people cannot discern His inaudible voice.
In Numbers 12:6 the Lord makes it clear that He prefers to communicate with us primarily in dreams. God communicated with all the patriarchs including Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the prophets primarily through dreams, and sometimes in visions. In fact, the scriptures reveal that God only communicated face to face with Moses (Numbers 12:8), probably because of the significance and complexity of Moses assignment. To this day God continues to communicate with us primarily in dreams.
The three main types of dreams
As you already know, not all dreams are from God. There are three main types of dreams. Let’s briefly identify and review examples of each type.
1) Natural dreams from our subconscious mind (Eccl. 5:3). They may just be reflecting the day’s experiences or prior experiences. These are NOT messages from God.
– They may just be a reactivation of something we heard, watched or experienced during the day.
– They may reflect physical needs such as when we dream of a banquet full of all the foods that we love to eat. This type of dream could just mean that we went to sleep hungry.
– Isaiah 29:8 does reveal that some dreams may be triggered by physiological needs. For example, you might dream of being outside freezing to death, only to awaken and discover that your partner has “borrowed” your portion of the blanket!
– Alcohol, certain drugs and medications can also alter our dream patterns and cause us to have nightmares, etc.
2) Nightmares and demonic influenced dreams – these may include dreams from the prince of darkness. Any dream that torments our spirit, or causes fear and terror is usually from the devil.
– These are dreams that make us feel afraid, evil, unloved, insignificant and related negative inputs.
– Dreams based on a a lie, such as: you as an evil character engaged in murder or other evil activities.
– Zech 10:2 warns us of demonic dreams that are full of false prophecies, and or self imposed evil thoughts and plans.
– Occult dreams that incite you to pursue dark secrets, powers or forces
– These are not always from the enemy but may also be from our own wicked thoughts, evil intentions, or wrongful living/lustful/greedy or sinful life
3) Spiritual Dreams and Visions. These are from God’s spirit, and these are the dreams that you want to remember and interpret. Now let’s review some of the types of spiritual dreams that we may receive.
Types of Spiritual Dreams
– Dreams of Encouragement. Abraham, Joseph, Jacob, Moses, Solomon,and Gideon all received dreams of encouragement. Dreams can also release emotional and physical healing, and other types of blessings.
– Dreams that warn us. God sends dreams that warn us of impending danger.
– There are dreams that provide instruction and direction.
– Dreams that prophesy of future events.
– Dreams that provide a word of knowledge. These are revelations beyond natural knowledge, such as insight that someone is in danger and needs your intercessory prayer.
– Words of wisdom. These are dreams that provide direction, spiritual instruction, or councel, such as Jacob’s dreams of the spotted and
unspotted sheep (Genesis 31:11-13; 31-24).
– Some dreams provide direction for our life, – such as a mission or path that God wants us to take.
– Some dreams are about character issues that God wants us to improve on
– Some dreams offer solutions to a problem
– Some dreams are about people He may want us to pray for
– Some dreams are for us to alert others of potential dangers ahead
– To confirm His plans for our future
God also uses dreams to open our spiritual ears and eyes so that we can hear His voice.
“Then he opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction” (Job 33:16).
How to remember your spiritual dreams
Most people complain that they cannot remember their dreams, let alone their spiritual dreams that contain God’s encoded messages. Others and or they make absolutely no sense. Job 20:8 does indeed hint at the complexity of dreams. So let’s cover a few tips on how to remember dreams.
1) Joshua 1:8 and Psalm 16:7 reveal that when we meditate on God’s word (read a few bible passages) before we sleep, we are more likely to receive His messages in our dreams.
2) Pray to God that He will open your spiritual eyes and ears so that you can discern and remember the dreams that carry His message or instructions.
3) Keep a journal of all spiritual dreams. If you sense that it is a message from God, record the dream as soon as you awaken. This is important because most dreams vanish from our memory shortly after we awaken. Keep a pen and pad next to your bed on the nightstand.
4) Note however that if God has an important message for you, chances are that you will remember it, even if you do not immediately record it. I have had spiritual dreams that are now stored in my long term memory.
5) Try to pay extra attention to your dreams in the morning just before the alarm rings for two reasons: so that it does not disturb your ability to recall the dream, and because the dreams just before we wake up in the morning are the ones that we can best recall.
6) Your desire is a key part in your ability to discern, remember, and interpret spiritual dreams.
Review your “journal of dreams“ occasionally. Sometimes certain dreams are inter-connected such as Joseph’s interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream in Genesis 41:25-32 (which by the way ended up saving Egypt, Israel and the surrounding area from a coming famine and possible starvation).
How to Interpret Dreams and Visions
Interpreting dreams is like learning a new language; but with dreams it is a language of symbols and images.
To interpret dreams and to prophesy just requires that we yield to and listen to the Holy Spirit, and acquire knowledge from the Word of God (bible).
1) Ask the Lord to speak to you in dreams and visions (see James 4:2), and ask Him give you a spirit of discernment.
2) Consider the circumstances and settings surrounding the dream, whether they may be related to a current life experience.
3) Consider the main message of the dream. Is it a warning, instruction, is there a dual meaning.
4) Record the setting around the dream. Is it in your home, under water, outside etc. Make a list of all the objects and symbols, colors, etc.
5) Determine what the symbols and images in the dream mean to you? Remember that what matters is what the symbols mean to you, not what others say it means!
6) Pray and ask God for the interpretation (Gen. 40; Matt 13). Recognize that dreams are symbolic – meaning that they are not black and white or easily discernible – so ask God to interpret.
7) Once the interpretation comes, run it by the Word of God for confirmation.
8) Take action! Respond to the dream in whatever way God directs you to. If it is to pray for someone or to repent in an area of life; do it without hesitation.
In closing, our goal should be to develop wisdom and discernment so that we can identify and act on the dreams that are divine messages from God. The best way to develop our spirit of discernment is to pray for it, and to read the word of God which provides us the wisdom and knowledge necessary to understand the prophecies and revelations contained in the images and symbols contained in our dreams.
God Bless and Merry Christmas!