I wanted to share the post below from March, 2020 that I posted at my FB Group “ProphecyAlerts” regarding 5 Major Cities burning.
Back then I believed we might see buildings burning because of the loss of Jobs and food shortage’s as a result of strict lockdowns. I never imagined they would be the result of orchestrated, well funded anarchists; paid Mobs / Rioters!
Just shows how evil the Luciferian Elites are! In any case, I believe this vision will repeat as we enter the Biblical Apocalypse (Book of Revelation).
So below, I share that vision again…

March, 2020: A Pastor whom some of you may know (Perry Stone) had a full color vision several years ago that may come to pass in the near future.

He saw a river flowing in the foreground, with 5 major Cities on fire. So these were Cities with rivers or waterways.
– He saw people rioting setting fires on stores and some buildings. It was happening at nighttime after dark
– He now believes that this vision may be coming to pass in near future, that people would be rioting probably from food shortages, with no jobs or money.
– He had another vision with 5 scenes, Trucks that were empty with many shops and stores that were empty or closed.
– By the way, David Wilkerson, before he died, also had a vision of 1000 fires burning in NYC due to food shortagesor something like that .
I believe that the situation our Nation and World currently faces is not just a man-made pandemic; it is an attempted coup by the N.W.O (the coming Beast Kingdom of antichrist).
It’s an attempted take-down of the Current World Order. And our standard of living and our quality of life will NEVER be the same.We must accept that since we are in the end times that once this current crisis is over…we will face new ones.

YET There is Still Hope!The reprieve that God gave us can be extended. While the Body of Christ remains, there is always hope!
God is able to stop this supernaturally, if His people that are called by His name, intercede for our inner cities and ask the Lord to heal our land.
Yes, there are certain prayers that as the Body of Christ we need to recite daily in intercession for this land, and 2 Chron. 7:14 is a great one.So Pray for the Nation, our Leaders, our health care system and workers, and all affected by this Catastrophe.

And this is exactly what the Lord told us would happen so let’s stay Ready. We are all living in those very times, we are the last generation.

God Bless You!

Source of Picture: A 2008 painting on cities burning – by J. Michael artist