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Robert Rite (12/1/2015): Why is Jerusalem so special in the eyes of Jews, Muslims, Christians and of course God. And why has Jerusalem become a cup of trembling to most nations of the world, and what will this controversy over Jerusalem lead to?
There is no place on this planet that is more fiercely contested than a few acres of land located on the east side of the old city of Jerusalem above the Kidron Valley. Christians and Jews call it “The Temple Mount”. The Muslims also consider it their third holiest site.
The ancient scriptures reveal that at the time of the end Jerusalem would become a burden to all of the nations. The three major religions that evolved from the Middle East, Christianity, Islam and Judaism all claim that Jerusalem is a sacred site; while the nations of the world cannot resist meddling in all affairs related to Jerusalem and Israel.
What is incredible to ponder is that the world consists of 197 million square miles and Jerusalem occupies only 48 square miles of it! Yet there is all of this rage, controversy, jealousy, and turmoil over such a tiny parcel of land! In fact, the quest for Jerusalem will lead mankind to the final global war that I just alluded to, culminating in the battle of Armageddon which will result in the death of many millions (perhaps billions) of souls.
The hatred of the Jews by most of its neighbors because of their control over Jerusalem is the center of the controversy that Zechariah 12:2-3 and Zechariah 14:1-3 foretold for these last days. These verses tell us that at the time of the end Jerusalem will become the center of world controversy. It already is.
I think you would agree with me that Jerusalem and Israel seem to occupy world news and events on a consistent basis, and we have not even entered the period of time referred to as the tribulation period (also the apocalypse and the time of Jacob’s troubles).
When we finally enter those last seven years of this age, the scriptures are clear that Israel and the Middle East will become even more volatile; much more volatile. All of the chaos that we see in the Middle East today, with ISIS and a host of other terror groups is just a warm up for what is coming. A few world leaders have already stated that World War III may already have begun.
So why is there such a controversy over Jerusalem?
The secular world can come up with hundreds of reasons for this everlasting controversy over the holy land, but allow me to propose the main reason.
A prudent person would have to surmise that there is a supernatural element to all of this. There most definitely appears to be a very malevolent force behind this turmoil and it is bent on preventing God from executing His will and His plan of redemption for all peoples, nations and tongues. This evil force is none other than the prince of darkness – Satan. He knows where God will establish His coming kingdom on earth, and he is determined on thwarting this plan.
Satan is the father and propagator of hatred throughout the world, and there is no greater hotspot for hatred in the world today than the Middle East. Now before we point fingers at Israel or the Muslim nations remember that our battle in this age is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, powers, and the rulers of darkness of this age (Ephesians 6:12).
Notwithstanding Satan influences the nations to hate and war against each other; particularly against Israel. The end time prophecies reveal that just before the end of days the leader of the coming global government (also referred to as the man of perdition – the antichrist), and his false prophet will convince most of the nations to attack and invade Israel. This is referred to as the battle of Armageddon – and it will not work out too well for that massive invading army. The following passages make this clear:
“You shall fall upon the mountains of Israel, you and all your troops and the peoples who are with you; I will give you to birds of prey of every sort and to the beasts of the field to be devoured. You shall fall on the open field; for I have spoken,” says the Lord God”. (Ezekiel 39:4-5)
“… And it shall come to pass in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.” (Zech. 12:4-9)
Certainly, the enemy will fail in preventing God from establishing New Heavens and New Earth with His headquarters in Jerusalem at the time of the end of this age (Rev. 21:1; Rev. 21:2).